21 Day Immersion to a New You For 2023*

With Acclaimed Healer & Abundance Coach Mary A. Hall

Predictions Week 2023 Special

From The Desk of Mary A. Hall...

2023 is Calling for a Recalibration & Resetting to Joy

With the changes that have occurred for the last two year, 2023 is offering a time of recalibration and resetting.

There is also a deep yearning to open up to NEW possibilities with greater energy and intention of love.

The love frequency can release the past and all that we’ve individually and collectively experienced during in recent years.

My calling is to help you invite deep healing, and receive love’s powerful embrace of transformation..

Prepare to and usher in a powerful new healing intentions as we reset and emerge anew through 21 Days of deep healing.

        The Power of The LOVE Frequency & Activation...

The pathway to this is through a propriety system of love frequency energy.

You see, LOVE is the central, most powerful, positive, energy in the universe.

 As we hold ourselves and others in an energy of LOVE, this power/frequency  leaves a lasting effect on us, opening our field to multiple potentialities and possibilities.

It's like a new super power gets turned on as it activates prosperity and abundance, and ignites wholeness health and wellness.

It is the most powerful antibiotic known to man, the most significant wealth creator ever created, the most healing a balm to ANY conflict... it is THE ANSWER for any upset in your life.
It ALSO impacts those whom we focus upon, it changes our circumstances, softens upsets and shifts those who interact with us profoundly.

There is an ancient spiritual practice that to receive your desires, you activate and bless others who have a similar need or desire and therefore enable the desires to come to fruition.

If you want a new house… work for Habitat for Humanity and help another build their house.

If you want healing… you assist another with sending love and prayers for their healing.

Another ancient healing technique is to “bless” another with a healing intention.

Seeing someone else as the love they are, and that by them being “seen” there is an ignition of light and love that in turn creates new possibilities for them (AND YOU — because you are blessed when you bless).

This blessing technique will also be part of the program.

Now by activating the power of LOVE within and healing, and offering a blessing and giving, you are helping all in the community, AND by being part of that same community you are also receiving.

Now, that is ON TOP of the container of love and wholeness that Mary will hold you in.

It is a holistic cycle of blessing, giving, RECEIVING and giving, blessing and again receiving.

LOVE is the central, most powerful, positive, energy in the universe, and as we hold ourselves and others in an energy of LOVE… the power of love leaves a lasting effect on us, as well as those we focus upon.

  Time to Recalibrate to Joy, for Rebirth and Emergence...

We as light beings are the first to experience the beginnings of emergence…

We are starting to have an inkling of the bright glimmer of light appearing at the end of the tunnel, as we coming out of the shadows that have been brought forward for humanity

While we may still be reeling from some of the rippling effects from the pandemic, there is a new rising energy that is at the periphery of consciousness.

It has asked us to be stronger, and consciously claim our power as beings of divine light.

It has asked us to forge ahead despite obstacles and use those stuck places as gifts of inspiration to propel us toward the brighter destiny than any we could have imagined.

And the answer we are seeking...

The support we have been praying for...

The fruition we have sought after so diligently...

Well... it's actually the power of this dynamic love energy.

RECEIVING… 21 Days of Grace-Filled Regenerating Remote Transmissions of Love & Healing Energies

 PLUS a Total of 7 LIVE Quantum Healing and Group CALLS


First there will be 6 LIVE Quantum Healing Sessions to realign and infuse you with love and healing energies.

Each of these live Quantum Healing Calls sessions are going to be filled with the 6 Most Powerful Healing Processes to illuminate, activate and elevate, and empower you toward clearing and releasing all the old energies from 2021 and 2022.

You are about to restart and begin anew in 2023 with profound compassion, grace and wholeness.

The 7th call will be a 2-Hour Live INTERACTIVE Group Healing Circle Session with Q&A to interact directly with Mary.

Here Mary will support you on even a deeper level in activating, generating and broadcasting the high vibrating symphony and power of love.

21 Straights Days Of Remote Love Frequency Healing Transmissions 

Ongoing remote Energy Healings and Love being broadcast  remotely, in-the-background to support you through your challenges and guide you on your journey.

You don't have to attend anything, go anywhere or do anything, just go about your day and receive.

During these 21 days, you will be bathed in healing energies and love frequencies through remote energy healings, being transmitted and broadcast, which expands and grows with the community consciousness.

For 21 DAYS you will receive deep, concentrated, grace-filled, focused intense LOVE AND HEALING ENERGIES… concentrated transmissions in the energies of manifestation, love and wholeness.

Your “being” will be attuned to the frequencies of Love and Healing.

Bathed in these higher vibrating energies that allow for true miracles in your life.

AND you will be shown how to send love to and bless each member of this 21-day community (including you!)

We all become a community of co-creators in this process – all of us flowing and receiving this life force energy of love and all you have to do is ask and allow.

The more we say YES and choose to play, the more expanded the energy becomes for all of us.

These love and healing energies offer a buoyancy of support, helping you to maneuver through difficult times and tap into your truest, most beautiful self, to experiencing greater ease, connection and access into your inner calm.

You won't be the same after these 21 days of love immersion.

      As We Heal Through Love - We Lift Up All...

And as our individual shadow is revealed and washed clean...

We also witness humanity's shadow up for viewing and healing.

Through this love energy being ignited over these 21 days of remote transmissions, we are being beckoned to consider our fellow man with renewed compassion.

We are being ask to shift from a singular "it's all about me" mindset, to "we" mindset.

When we are in the weeds of our own traumas and dramas, this seem impossible and yet this profound love energy can elevate us, recalibrate us to support others.

The when our inspiring, triumphant, human spirit of love shows up for others, WE receive pressed down and overflowing one thousand fold.

This is YOUR time to activate and ignite YOUR power as true and pure love energy

With LOVE as our intention, let us return to the power of Divine Love.

Enlivening our human spirit and our love for each other and humanity as a whole. 

Let us sound and ring the bells…

To proclaim it’s time to lead with love.

Let our desires be for uplifting others and in the same way, we ourselves are lifted up.

This is what is in store for you as you let me dance and play in support of your love frequency...

Igniting you into the most expanded possibilities and potentialities for 2023, that your soul has planned for you.

What You'll Receive...

"I am using my decades of skills  and my remote transmission gifts to see, embrace, intuitively guide, and profoundly support you in love and healing energies as we recalibrate into love frequencies and emerge powerfully into 2023…"

~ Mary A Hall - Master Intuitive Coach & Healer
You now have the opportunity to RESET and RECALIBRATE, releasing the past year and emerging into a brand new you in 2023.

As we come together, we unleash the power of love and healing and the whole group benefits from this miraculous life-giving energy of love.

You'll receive a Total of 7 Live Quantum Healing Calls specifically focused on tapping into the quantum consciousness that forms with every participant who says YES to joining with this group.

Each of these Quantum Healing Calls will be a combination of guided processes, meditations and conversations which will give you tools that you can utilize in your own life to heal, release, cleanse and exponentially support you and include the following 5 quantum healing processes.

These are powerful Healing Processes to activate YOU, to elevate and recalibrate you deep within. 

Total of 7 LIVE Quantum Healing and Group CALLS, 

1st Quantum Healing Process

We first will build a sacred container and foundation to open to our sovereign right and innate dignity to receive the Divine and universal signal and vibrational imprint of love. This is a powerful process.

This Divine love supports us in our very being and along with the grace and compassion that love provides, fully nurtures our heart and soul as we LET LOVE IN.

2nd Quantum Healing Process

Allow yourself to simply (without judgment) look back throughout 2022. Notice everything, what you loved, what was a struggle, what you wish would have been different, really everything… 

Suspend your inclination to dive into ‘making meaning’ out of what you experienced… simply allow it all to just be as it is. 

Then during our time together, we will dive deeper into bringing completion to all the energies of 2022 and begin excavating and digging for gold. This will allow you to carry forward all the gold (you uncovered) with you into 2023!

3rd Quantum Healing Process

Now allow yourself to simply (without judgment) look back over the past decade. 

Here you will notice seasons in your life. Again, notice everything, what you loved, what was a struggle, what you wish would have been different, really everything… 

Here be willing to notice any of those experiences or events that still hold a charge as you think about them. Again, suspend your inclination to dive into ‘making meaning’ out of what you experienced… simply allow it all to just be as it is. 

Then during our time together, we will dive deeper into bringing completion to all the energies around the past decade. We will then together begin excavating and digging for gold. 

This will allow you to carry all the gold from the past decade (you uncovered) forward, with you also into 2023.

4th Quantum Healing Process

Here we rigorously hold a compassionate space to honor our life and life experiences. 

We will look at all the beliefs you have secretly held about yourself throughout 2022 and over the past decade. 

This is a deeply loving and compassionate process. 

Then during our time together, we will begin to explore all the ways you can start neutralizing these beliefs, to uncreate the energy that has held these beliefs in place within your system.

5th Quantum Healing Process

This is a super fun process where we will begin to explore our intentions for 2023. 

We will look at all the areas you would like to explore a new way of being and experiencing your life in the new year. 

Then after you are clear on your 2023 intentions, now we will look at what has secretly been standing in the way, holding you back or stopping you from really experiencing all you desire in the new year. 

This process is so powerful because it helps you get even more clear about identifying those silent resistors creating your own thermostat for your unique comfort zone in life. 

 6th Quantum Healing Process

Here we will continue by anchoring your intentions for 2023 within the field of Divine support. 

As you clear the resistance-makers in your life, a brand new clear slate appears so that all your 2023 intentions can fully be freely broadcast into the new year.

This fully invites you to join with your unique anchored in 2023 intentions, for you freely, welcoming in their powerful support. 

Allowing your 2023 intentions to be fully and freely broadcast into the new year.

PLUS, 7th LIVE Quantum Healing  2-Hour Interactive Group Healing Circle Call

Remember you will also be invited to join a 2-Hour Live Interactive Group Healing Circle Call to support you on even a deeper level in activating, generating and broadcasting the high vibrating symphony and power of love.

This powerful group dynamic is where miracles and Ah-ha’s unfold.

As we come together in love and healing energies, in this large community of beautiful souls, open to RECEIVING… A magical quantum consciousness occurs.

This quantum consciousness is awakened when 2 or more are gathered...

**AND... 21 days of In-The-Background Remote Love Healing Frequency Transmissions**

Remember you will also be receiving... 21 full days of being bathed daily in these love and healing energy frequencies.

I can feel your system letting out a big fat AHHHHHHHHH at the thought.

So much so, that the process has already begun just by reading these words and allowing this profoundly supportive energy to embrace you right now.

AND... Receive Audio Downloads and Replays...

You will ALSO receive all audio replays and downloads
to access all LIVE Quantum Healing Session recordings.

This will allow you to access and re-listen to the audio recordings of all
5 Quantum Healing Calls and the 2-Hour Group Healing Circle as often as you desired.


Your Dates & Details

Total of 7 Quantum Healing Calls

{All Pacific Time Zone}

Begins January 14th 2023 through Feb 4th 2023


The First 6 Live Quantum Healing Sessions

 1st Session: Saturday - January 14th - 1pm (PT) / 4pm (ET)
2nd Session: Tuesday - January  17th - *4pm (PT) / 7pm (ET)*
3rd Session:    Saturday -  January 21st  - 1pm (PT) / 4pm (ET)
4th Session:   Tuesday - January 24th - *4pm (PT) / 7pm (ET)*
5th Session:    Saturday -  January 28th   - 1pm  (PT) / 4pm (ET)
6th Session:   Tuesday  - January 31st - *4pm (PT) / 7pm (ET)*

Plus 7th is a 2 Hour - Live Healing Circle Group Call

7th Session :    Saturday - February 4th - 1pm (PT) / 4pm (ET)

Predictions Week Special
21 Day Immersion to a New You For 2023
**  Total of 7 LIVE Quantum Healing  Sessions  **
Your Value...
Actual Retail: $211
Yours For Only...
Wow... $100 OFF Retail!

Total of 7 Quantum Healing Sessions

 PLUS, 21 Days of Remote Transmissions of Abundance Love & Healing Energies

  • 21-Days of abundance, love and healing energies transmitted and broadcasted daily directly to you (in the background, just register and receive)
  • 21-Days of love vibrational attunements and healing activations – energetically in the background
  • 7 – LIVE Quantum Healing Sessions; you’ll receive healing processes and expanding love energies and frequencies during each live call. Plus the group dynamics, continues expanding, as the broadcasting and receiving of healing and love energies
  • Healing Processes, with the potent sequential and cumulative affects of being in this field of abundance and love for 21 straight days
  • Guided processes and meditations, through activations and practices
  • Powerful love activations and recalibrating to joy, igniting an inner flame of love possibilities
  • The potent sequential and cumulative affects of being in this field of love for 21 straight days
  • The quantum power of the community – expanding group dynamics
  • Receiving love, abundance and blessings as being a part of this 21-Day community
  • Receiving the powerful blessings of broadcasting love and abundance to yourself and the community 21-Days of love and healing energies transmitted and broadcasted daily directly to you (in the background, just register and receive)
[Plus a 10-Day No-Questions-Asked Money Back Guarantee]

About Facilitator Mary A. Hall

Mary is one of the most powerful intuitive coaches. She not only leads in the field of abundance, wealth, money and success, she is also a renowned energy healer, assisting with physical and life challenges of all stripes and colors.

She has an uncanny knack for tapping into the level of flow, health and abundance and is able to then adjust the internal energies accordingly through coaching and energy work. Having worked with preeminent individuals; business leaders, health and wellness leaders, advertising and brand companies, doctors, financial advisors and more, she has proven over and over that there is always a point of access to shift one’s capacity for balance, harmony, abundance and health.

This is not just some philosophy or rote practice that Mary delivers, this is pure access. Mary helps individuals move the needle on their lives and open the floodgates of possibility. She creates a space of allowing for breakthrough changes in how one feels, looks at, and interacts with relationships, health, money, wealth and abundance, allowing in a new formed self love and acceptance. Get ready for your transformation.

Mary A. Hall is a powerful conduit of love energy and is about to take you on one of the most profound journeys of your life.

She has the unique ability to direct the energy of love and healing in powerful quantum waves. Frequencies that gently but deeply activate within you a template of consciousness that you can easily access and use.

Mary will move you to the next most potent level of your evolutionary journey of love.

She will bring you to a place of stillness, a state of grace, a place within where you connect with your truest selves and really believe it, embrace it and love it.

Mary will through vibrant healing and love energies, be transmitting and broadcasting these beautiful love and healing frequencies all day, every day for over 21 days.

©2022 Mary A Hall All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by  McLean MasterWorks, 
4533 MacArthur Blvd #245, Newport Beach, CA 92660 - Customer Support 847-386-1464  I support@mcleanmasterworksc.com

Medical Disclaimer
The information provided through McLean Masterworks and its guests is not offered as medical advice and should not be considered medical advice. Nothing contained on this page or during this series is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment, and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any mental or physical health condition or treatment.
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